Notes on ICU Nursing
This is a clickable list of FAQ files that we wrote for new RNs
coming into our MICU as orientees. They liked them enough to
encourage us to post them on a public website - here they
are! Enjoy... feel free to copy them for any useful purpose.
Mark Hammerschmidt, RN
E-mail us, tell us what you think, and
how you found us...
Copyright, Mark Hammerschmidt and
Jayne Mulholland, 2014. All rights
reserved... feel free to use these
materials, but please give us attribution.
Note to Readers: the glorious... well...
"pretty" - Second Edition Book of the   
collected articles is available! Use the link
below, or the one above!
Gentle readers: we love corrections and
updates. Email us anytime. Especially you
newer RN's - you're ideally placed to help
us update all this ancient stuff! Thanks!
Third edition
updates have
started! This will
take a while... time
to send in your